Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Warhol's unseen drawings

When the gallerist Daniel Blau met the gatekeeper of the Andy Warhol foundation in New York and asked if there was any more of the artist's unseen work that could be had, he was not hugely optimistic. He could scarcely believe his eyes when forgotten and unpublished early drawings locked away for more than 20 years were brought out.
"It was unbelievable … just unbelievable," Blau told the Guardian. "The Warhol Foundation storage at Crozier is like a hospital – a huge bare room with these metal trestle tables in the middle and big metal doors, so you sit there and wait for what comes. They bring them in and open them up and I just gasped … Wow! I just never expected anything like that to be still there.
"It was like someone opened a trunk of your favourite toys that you'd kept aside as a child and they were put in storage when you went to school and you'd never seen them since. And then someone comes along 30 years later and says do you remember this? And it's, wow! Do I remember!
Read more here.

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