Girls Aloud's Nicola Roberts recently declared:
“I’d rather choose Louboutins over therapy to cope with bullying.”
Roberts claimed she overcame the damage done to her self esteem by the trolls declaring her the least attractive from Girls Aloud, not through years of
introspective therapy sessions, but days spent shopping. In the
interview she reveals how she'd prefer to spend money on retail therapy –
in the form of Christian Louboutin heels – than on the real actual
therapy to deal with her issues.
“It’s too bloody expensive,” she
says of the counselling she sought to tackle the years of bullying by the media and public while in the band. “I’d rather sit there all
night thinking until I couldn’t think any more, then reward myself the
next day with a pair of Louboutins”, she declares.
got me thinking about the different types of shopping – shopping beyond
it's basic function – that is, to buy items that we need; but what happens when
shopping starts to serve other functions – in this case – shopping to make us
feel better. Nobody is beyond buying a nice new dress or a piece of
jewellery to cheer them up on a lunch break or a Saturday afternoon. But
when does it go from an innocent splurge to cheer yourself up, to becoming
unhealthy – an addiction even? Shopaholism, compulsive shopping or to
give it it's technical term oniomania – literally ‘sale insanity’ – is
something I have (jokingly I hope) been accused of on more than one
occasion. But how serious a phenomenon is it? Who suffers from it and
why? And what can you do about it?
The Controversy of Shopping Addiction
other behavioral addictions, shopping addiction is steeped in controversy. Many experts balk at the idea that excessive spending can
constitute an addiction. They are of the belief that there has to be a psychoactive
substance which produces symptoms such as physical tolerance and
withdrawal for an activity to be a true addiction.
There is also
some disagreement among professionals about whether compulsive shopping
should be considered an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), impulse
control disorder (like pathological gambling), mood disorder (like
depression), or addiction. It has been suggested that, along with
kleptomania (compulsive stealing) and binge-eating disorder (BED), it be
viewed as an impulsive-compulsive spectrum disorder.
How Is Shopping Addiction Like Other Addictions?
are however, several characteristics that shopping ‘addiction’ shares
with other addictions. As with other addictions, shopping addicts become
preoccupied with spending, and devote significant time and money to the
activity. Actual spending is important to the process of shopping
addiction; window shopping does not constitute an addiction, and the
addictive pattern is actually driven by the process of spending money.
with other addictions, shopping addiction is highly ritualized and
follows a typically addictive pattern of thoughts about shopping,
planning shopping trips, and the shopping act itself, often described as
pleasurable, ecstatic even, and as providing relief from negative
feelings. Finally, the shopper crashes, with feelings of disappointment,
particularly with themselves. Also, while alcoholics will hide their
bottles, shopaholics will hide their purchases.
shoppers use shopping as a way of escaping negative feelings, such as
depression, anxiety, boredom, self-critical thoughts, and anger.
Unfortunately, the escape is short-lived. The purchases are often simply
hoarded unused, and compulsive shoppers will then begin to plan the
next spending spree. Most shop alone, although some shop with others who
enjoy it. Generally, it will lead to embarrassment to shop with people
who don’t share this type of enthusiasm for shopping.
What is compulsive shopping?
all shop for many reasons but the addictive shopper buys to relieve
anxiety. Over time, the buying creates a dysfunctional lifestyle as
more and more of their focus revolves around the act of shopping and sometimes the cover-up.
What differentiates shopaholism from healthy shopping is the compulsive,
destructive and chronic nature of the buying.
Shopaholics, when
they are feeling low or out of sorts, shop for a lift. The shopping becomes a tonic. They go out
and buy, to get a high, or get a ‘rush’ just like a drug addict or alcoholic. Shopping addiction tends to affect more women than men, often
buying things they do not need. Holiday seasons can trigger shopping
binges among those who are not compulsive the rest of the year. However, many
shopping addicts go on binges all year long and may be compulsive about
buying certain items, such as shoes, kitchen items or clothing; some
will buy anything – and hoard.
Women with this compulsive disorder
often have racks of clothes and possessions with the price tags still
attached which have never been used. They will go to a shopping centre or a
high street with the intention of buying one or two items and come home
with bags and bags of purchases. In some cases shopalolics have an
emotional ‘black out’ and do not remember even buying the articles. If
their family or friends begin to complain about their purchases, they
will often shop in secret and hide the things they buy – in extreme circumstances, even destroy their purchases. Denial, as with other addictive behaviours, is a common component of the problem. And as a result of the nature of shopaholism, the addict can find themselves in dire financial difficulties. Along with the emotional toil – feelings of guilt and shame – brought on by the patterns of lying and concealment, shopaholics can find their relationships with those closest to them can become extremely strained. This causes further mental anguish to the addict, who, now entrapped in a vicious circle, becomes even more reliant on their addiction as a source of comfort.
Signs you might be a shopaholic:
Spending over budget: Often a person will spend well over their budget
and get into deep financial trouble.
Whereas a normal person will recognise their financial limitations and realise when an item is ‘out of their reach’, someone with shopaholism will not recognise the
boundaries of a budget.
• Compulsive buying: When a person with a
shopping addiction goes shopping, they often compulsively buy –
they will go into a shop looking for one pair of shoes and come out with ten.
• It is a
chronic problem: Shopaholism is an ongoing problem. It is more
than two or three months of the year, and more than a once-a-year
Christmas spree.
• Hiding the problem: Shopaholics will hide their
purchases because they do not want to face the critical reaction of those closest to them. Shopaholics will sometimes have separate accounts to hide their spending.
• A vicious circle: Some people will take
their purchases back because they feel guilty. That guilt can then trigger
another shopping spree. In these people,
debt may not be an issue as they are consistently returning items
out of guilt – but a problem still exists.
• Impaired
relationships: Problems within relationships can occur
because the shopaholic spends significant amounts of time away shopping, covers up debt
with deception, and emotionally and physically starts to isolate
themselves from others as they become preoccupied with their behavior.
Clear consequences: As with other addictive behaviours, it is less to do with the amount of shopping undertaken, or the amount spent, but with the clear detrimental effect it has on the shoppers life. If there is a pattern in the behaviour, which has clear negative consequences, and your shopping is controlling you rather than the other way around, you may likely be a shopaholic.
For the causes of shopping addiction, and how to deal with it, see Part 2
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