Thursday 15 July 2021

Part 2 The Rise and Fall of Lillee Jean; the teen influencer whose life was exposed as a fraud


As Lillee Jean's life began to be more heavily scrutinised, people began to look more deeply into her thousands of followers. Most were in fact fake, as had been suspected. However, it was noted the extent that someone had gone to to make the accounts appear like real people. Even the fake accounts had fake accounts - hundreds of them, following them. It was a veritable spiders web of fake accounts. And the accounts would interact with Lillee Jean on her social media platforms.

It has since been claimed that the accounts were set up by Lillee Jean herself. Bizzarely however, it was noted that some of the accounts were of people who were racist or homophobic tropes, or followers who held racist or homophobic views. Strange, since Lillee was making these up herself. The most talked about of her 'followers' was her 'gay best friend'; a Latina gang member and 'Shaniqua', a black woman, whom she claimed was in fact a stalker troll, trying to make her 'look bad'. The further you peeled back the layers of deception, the further Lillee Jean had to delve into her imagination to attempt to cover her lies. The cracks were now glaringly obvious in Lillee Jean's stories, and the further you plunged into Lillee Jean's self created world, the more uncomfortable things became.

'Shaniqua' one of LJ's sock accounts

As the backlash against Lillee Jean grew, companies started distancing themselves, and dropping their discount codes with her. (Discount codes are one of the ways companies make money through influencers - while the influencer is paid either financially or through gifts, the influencer advertises the company's wares, and then supplies their followers with discount codes for the company in question, enocuraging the followers to buy products from the company through Lillee Jean (the influencer), and receiving a small discount as an incentive.)  When people began outing her as a fake, Lillee Jean, her mother and a small band of followers began turning to underhand tactics - namely doxxing and harrassment.

Model and social media personality Lauren Elyse (Laur_Elyse) spoke out against Lillee Jean's deceptive claims and was subsequently threatened by Lillee Jean and her mother, as well as being attacked for being trans, calling her 'It'. Lauren Elyse'sTwitter account was suspended for platform manipulation and spam - which can only happen if your account is reported -  by more than one account. Lauren Elyse blamed Lillee Jean and her fake followers.

Laur_Elyse has her account suspended and blames LJ and her mother

Lillee Jean and her mother have also been involved in a legal battle with Youtuber 'Tater Tatiana', who claims that Laur, Lillee's mother "admitted to abusing the copyright claim system to try to take down [her] videos." Laur admitted to contacting the employers of several people who have criticised her or her daughter. At it's worse, this can be seen as initmidation, at the very least, it is unprofessional behavriour from Lillee Jean's 'momager'.

In April 202 Tater Tatiana spoke out regarding Lillee's supposed French boyfriend 'Philippe'. On her 19th birthday, Lillee Jean made a video discussing her relationship. She claimed that she met Philippe when she was 9 years old and that he was 9 years older than her, but then says he's twenty-six. In another video she claims she met him when she was 4 years old and he 13, and in yet another when she was fourteen, only to later deny it and claim she hadn't dated for 4 years prior to meeting him at fourteen - making her ten when she last dated. 

Tater Tatiana doxxed by LJ and her mother

She claimed all these relationships were consensual and approved by her parents. She goes on to explain some very confused ideas regarding consent and the legality of sex with a minor if a parent has agreed to it. All of her information is completely false. She claims in one of her videos, that a twelve year old dating a seventeen year old is 'not weird'.

As most of Lillee Jean's fans are young girls, this stirred up a whole hornet's nest, as Lillee Jean appeared to condone underage sex, sex with a minor as well as conveying to her young fans a complete misunderstanding of consent laws and the parental role in underage sex laws. in New York State,  the law claims that if the relationship with the underage person isn't sexual, it is defined as 'child grooming'. If the relationship was sexual and Lillee Jean was under seventeen - the age of consent - it would be considered 'statuatory rape', whether or not parental consent was obtained.  Lillee Jean and her mother were seen to be misadvising her young fans and exposing them to her strange and potentially dangerous views.

She claimed her mother worked in law (she was in fact, a legal secretary, but not a lawyer) and that Philippe worked as a French diplomat (though the French government website had no record of him). We have no visual proof of Philippe's existence - whether photographic or video, only pictures of flowers he has supposedly sent Lillee or notes he has penned. Lillee Jean's mother also asserts she was married to her husband when she was sixteen and he thrity-two.

Whether or not either of the mother of daughter's partners are real, what is strange is the message they are broadcasting to their young audience regarding underage relationships. The allegations were responded to by Laur, who claimed that her daughter was in fact fifteen and a half, and Philippe twenty-three when they met, and that the couple had her full consent.

Laur Truman, mother of Lillee Jean

A further oddity in Lillee Jean's web of tales, relates to Lillee Jean's father. According to Lillee Jean, her father is 'Diamond Truman' - a percussionist and drummer who played with Jimi Hendrix and Ronnie James Dio. 

When fans attempted to look him up however, unsurprisingly, no record of anyone by that name was listed as ever having played with either artist.

As Lillee Jean's carefully constructed world crumbles around her, it is difficult to feel anything but pity for her. Lillee Jean built a fantasy world to live in and Laur seems to have gone along with it, if not encouraged it. Where the real Lillee Jean begins and ends is anyone's guess -  is her whole character a construct? - does she give us a clue in her name? It wouldn't be the first time the surname 'Truman - True-man' has been used to hide a false identity ('The Truman Show' - a film about a man whose entire life is a construct for a television show is but one example.) I could be reaching here, or it could be a canny coincidence.

What is alarming is the doxxing and harassment of those who pointed out the discrepancies in Lillee Jean's misleading information and actions. And why a mother would encourage her daughter in strange and dangerous fantasies is disturbing in the least. Ultimately, in the case of Lillee Jean, the saying 'fake it til you make it' doesn't quite ring true.

N.B As a disclaimer I would like to add that all this information is in the public domain - in court documents, social media profiles or on news reports. 

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