Saturday, 28 October 2017

Stanger Things 2: Fashion secrets revealed

a new Eleven
Grab your teasing comb and pliers to zip up those jeans, because we're officially back in 1984. Stranger Things' second season, which is now available to stream, takes place in 1984, a year costume designer Kim Wilcox knows quite well.

"I was in high school in 1984. So it's a  time…that you remember pretty well," Wilcox, who joined the Netflix hit ahead of its second season. "It was a year that there was a slew of amazing movies, so I spent my summer in movie houses."

However, when looking into how the citizens of Hawkins, Indiana, would dress in 1984, Wilcox noted you couldn't fully trust the movies (Think The Outsiders, Ghostbusters, etc.). "When you see those movies, a lot of the time it's very elevated or polished, and that's not Hawkins," she explained. 

So how did Wilcox and her team go about putting together all of the characters' season two looks? And who were the inspirations behind Billy (Dacre Montgomery), the new bad boy with a mullet, and the new Pittsburgh punks? The costume designer spilled all of season two's fashion secrets to us: 

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